Waste King Residential Disposals (Legend)

How to Choose the Waste King Disposal that's Right for You.

There are two differences between the Waste King EZ mount system and Waste King 3-Bolt mount system garbage disposals. The 3-bolt mounting system has all stainless steel mounting components, the EZ mounting system has plastic and aluminum mounting components. The 3-bolt mounting system has a non removable hush cushion (splash guard), the EZ mounting system has a removable splash guard. There are no differences with the motors or performance.  The EZ mount system is true to its name, it is indeed easier to work with than the 3 bolt system. Neither garbage disposal style is considered better than the other.  They are both very durable mounting systems. It is solely a product preference.

Looking for commercial or restaurant disposals? We carry the complete Waste King Commercial line.

Monthly Specials For January - Waste King Residential Disposals (Legend)